The Blue Mountains Regiment

No matter your beard long or short, braided or flowing wild, a warm and welcoming place by the hearth awaits you.

The Blue Mountains Regiment is a Lord of the Rings Online™ roleplaying (story-driven) player-run kinship (guild) on the Meriadoc (EU-RP) free-to-play server. Character profiles on this site are fictional and not affiliated with any real-life organisation, political or otherwise.

I Understand

The lands of Middle-earth are fraught with dangers — orcs, trolls, brigands, and all manner of wicked creatures. They pillage the free folk, prowl dark caves, and ambush unwary trade caravans!

What can a dwarf such as you do against such evils? I tell you this, there is strength in the Blue Mountains Regiment!

The Blue Mountains Regiment seeks brave and skillful dwarves; both those who can defend the land and those who can help with crafting and events.

Join the Regiment!